A lonely mother in the Polish countryside. Her husband works in Austria and her only son in the Netherlands. She travels every day by bus to her work in Opole one hour away.
Older skilled technicians are getting a new future in Polish companies that are moving their factories to East Germany. Polish workers are working in West Europe so companies in Poland have serious problems finding skilled laborers.
Damage caused by rioters last night in the Parisian suburb, Villiers le Bel. The riots started after 2 kids died in a collision between their motorbike and a police car.
The top of the skull of a Yeti, the legendary abominable snowman. In the small monastery of Kumjung in the Nepalese Himalaya the monks guard this so called proof of the existence of the Yeti. It looks more like the skull of a yak with Down's syndrome to me.
The trails in the Nepalese Himalayas are littered with temples and stupas. For more pictures and text (Dutch only) check out my weblog at Onze Wereld : http://www.onzewereld.nl/index.php?page=2&logId=4
I don't know wether this skeleton, in a Hindu temple in Pathan, is going to play golf or something. It's clear even temples are not exempted from boyish graffiti.
Ladies in Red. Today was a special Hindufestival for the women of Nepal. Tens of thousands of women dressed in red went into the streets dancing and praying.
Modern life of Chinese youngsters in Lhasa is much the same as in any major city in China. Through internet they keep in contact with their friends in Beijing, Shanghai or Shenzen.
Thousands of Chinese tourists flock to Tibet nowadays. And they all come to see a glimpse of the few Tibetan monks that are left since the Cultural Revolution.